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Feelings of Nostalgia

As we enter another holiday season, many people are finding themselves feeling nostalgic for the past. Nostalgia is defined as a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. The memories that one dredges up to feel nostalgic may include being with lost loved ones or feeling the carefree emotions of having fewer adult responsibilities as a child. Research has proven that nostalgia can be positive for mental health and can even reduce symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression. Additionally, people actively engage in nostalgia. It can be willful, like choosing to think of happy memories. However, sensory triggers like photo, smell or sound also allow us to indulge in nostalgia.

Despite the good feelings that nostalgia can bring, it is crucial to recognize that the past, for many, may also consist of remembering traumatic experiences. Though one may not willfully want to remember past traumas, the aforementioned sensory triggers may cause them to remember a past traumatic experience, such as the smell of a person's cologne or the sounds of a particular song. Some triggers can be avoided, however, when a person finds themselves in a situation or environment where they cannot avoid what triggers them, they must ultimately accept full responsibility for them. Unfortunately, it cannot be expected that everyone we encounter will know of our past traumatic experiences in advance, therefore we must learn how to control our emotions when we are triggered by using the best coping skills that will help us move past certain memories that do their best to bring us down, mentally and spiritually.

Feeling nostalgic can be great for our mental health. But, as we all grow older and reminisce about the past, we must remember to also live in the present and not let the time we currently have slip by. Despite how dark some days may be, we must never forget that there will be good days, too. Live in the present, plan for the future, and when it benefits you, remember the past not only as a treat, but also as a means to remind yourself of how much you, dear reader, have grown and evolved. So, let us enjoy reminiscing about past memories all while creating new ones!


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