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Personal - Words of Encouragement - Love Yourself

There may be days when you feel as though you do not want to get out of bed. There may be days when you are so overwhelmed, exhausted, and frustrated with everything negative that surrounds you, from our local neighborhoods to the White House, that you may just end up angry at everyone and everything. But what do we do in the moment that we start to see the tunnel vision that hinders us from seeing outside of the narrow path of hopelessness? How do we go about fighting each day, especially during those days we may feel as though we have no energy to fight? You do so by reminding yourself that YOU LOVE YOURSELF.

By loving yourself, you remind yourself that you still have the capacity to love others. By loving yourself, you remind yourself that you are comfortable and secure with what you see in the mirror every day, despite what standards society has set on defining success and beauty. Loving yourself means to believe in your own potential even if you have your misgivings and doubts about your skills and talents. Loving yourself means reminding yourself that your life does have a purpose, one that many of us are fortunate to get to create, even share with others, if and when provided the opportunity.

Never feel like a failure even when you do fail. Failure is only a part of life that keeps us modest and humble. Failure also helps educate us so that we become wiser individuals. Do not be afraid to go out into this world, despite how intimidating it may be. If anything, the world can be an exciting and beautiful place of wonder to observe and experience. However, as a human who experiences negative emotions, too, there may be some days you will wake up wanting to make life miserable for everyone else. If you do, check yourself. Understand what is going on and take care of it the best way that you can. Most importantly, do not let your emotions fester to a point of wanting to harm yourself or others. Resources are always available on this site and anywhere you may want to seek assistance.

Once you find yourself in a more positive mindset to interact with others, perhaps you will find it to be more helpful by setting standards for yourself. Be more open and honest, but also know when to be reserved and respectful. Know when to be kind and caring, but not to a point that you are taken advantage of by others who do wish to bring you harm. Know when to be strong and assertive without becoming the bully. Know when to listen. And most importantly, know when to be your best for someone who may also be at their worst, because you never know if your strength to survive could inspire someone else who may also feel lost, thus creating a purpose in your life, after all.


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