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State of Emergency Declared for LGBT+ People in the United States

With the rise in anti-LGBT+ sentiments in the United States, it must be shared that the Human Rights Campaign has officially declared a state-of-emergency for LGBT+ people in the United States. When political leaders create policies that inhibit the rights of LGBT+ people, when protestors seek to instigate Pride Attendees in hopes of a violent or deadly encounter, or when people are constantly throwing slanderous statements against all LGBT+ people as being predators, then there is a real issue that must be addressed.

LGBT+ people come from all backgrounds and all walks of life. They are our siblings, relatives and friends. They are doctors, lawyers and even veterans, the same veterans who fought for the rights of those who choose to remain ignorant and bigoted. With this in mind, it is most definitely fair to say that anti-LGBT+ sentiments are wrong! When one disagrees with a person identifying as LGBT+, it still is not their place to tell them how to live, what to be or that they are hell bound. There should be no reason why a good-hearted and hard-working LGBT+ person should kowtow to a demographic of people who are far from being perfect themselves.

At the end of the day, the LGBT+ community will continue to stay strong against the offensive. Make no mistake, however, that not ALL LGBT+ people see themselves as victims. In fact, many see themselves as victors for enduring (even surviving) the hatred that has dominated over the concept of loving your neighbor, which in and of itself is a state of emergency because without love, unity cannot exist. Overall, our society is not on the decline simply because LGBT+ people exist, but more so because of the rise in hatred, that others carry, has infiltrated and taken over every facet of this country and its institutions. Until that changes, LGBT+ people, along with other marginalized groups, will never be truly safe from the evil that is hatred.


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